twyn!b - Software, Music and whatever else I feel like making.

Hey, I'm Christina - a young software engineer by day, musician by night (evening really, I usually sleep at night), whatever else whenever else.

If you have questions about projects I've made or want to contact me otherwise, ideally shoot me an e-mail at:

christina [at]

If you don't get a response from me, check your spam folder. Most E-Mail providers are horrendously overblocking, so my messages might get caught in the crossfire.
While you can contact me using direct messages on the platforms below, I'd rather you don't as they aren't end-to-end-encrypted.

Unless stated otherwise, everything on this page was made by me.
On that note, the twyn!b logo (seen in the top-left corner) was made by the wonderful Kaji, go check out their art!
The "Sinkin Sans" font used on this page was made byK-Type.